Elio Bag
This bag has so many moves. Its a carry all, clutch, has a detachable strap to carry over the shoulder, rests comfortably on your suitcase whilst in transit, fully lined with an outside pocket. Elio is soft as a cushion and yet refined and versatile. You’ll want to sleep with it under your pillow and never let it go.
This bag has so many moves. Its a carry all, clutch, has a detachable strap to carry over the shoulder, rests comfortably on your suitcase whilst in transit, fully lined with an outside pocket. Elio is soft as a cushion and yet refined and versatile. You’ll want to sleep with it under your pillow and never let it go.
This bag has so many moves. Its a carry all, clutch, has a detachable strap to carry over the shoulder, rests comfortably on your suitcase whilst in transit, fully lined with an outside pocket. Elio is soft as a cushion and yet refined and versatile. You’ll want to sleep with it under your pillow and never let it go.
30cm x 7cm x H20